The highly variable manifestations are mainly affecting the Central Nervous System (hemi-tetra-paresis, epileptic seizures, intellectual disability of varying degrees, motor disorders, headache) and derive from vascular alterations.
At the neuroradiological level, various anomalies can be highlighted: leukoencephalopathy of varying severity, micro- and macro-bleeding in the subcortical area, lacunar infarcts, aneurysms of the intracranial cerebral arteries and porencephalic cysts.
There may also be associated manifestations at the ocular level (tortuous retinal artery, anterior chamber anomalies, congenital cataract, glaucoma, microphthalmia, optic atrophy), muscle (muscle cramps and increase in muscle enzymes), renal (cyst, hematuria and glomerulopathy), hepatic (cyst), cardiovascular (heart rhythm abnormalities, mitral aortic valve prolapse), haematological (haemolytic anemia) and Raynaud’s phenomenon.